Indian tea is said to be very good for health. Most especially during wintertime for it contains natural immunizers like cardamom, ginger and many more. Indian tea is very different from other various types of tea on other parts of the world for it mainly contains a large proportion of milk more than of its other ingredients.
Except from China, India is one of the countries that consumes and produces more tea compared to other countries in the world. It is a popular drink all over India where everyone enjoys drinking for its refreshing aroma and taste.
India has many tea plantations, from the Assam valleys and Darjeeling in north east, up to the regions on south-western country of Nilgiri hills. Before an Indian company have explored the production and manufacturing of Indian tea, tea plants have been wildly growing on hills and on the Assam valleys.
History of Indian Tea
Brewing and cultivation of tea in India has a long history of applications in consumption and traditional method of medicine. Practicing of Ayurveda has resulted in long standing herbal teas tradition. Indian traditional kitchens have extensively utilized the medical benefits offered by different spices and plants like asbasil, cardamom, pepper, liquorice, mint, etc. and by tradition, teas made with these spices and plant herbs have been used for centuries to cure maladies from the trifling case to the serious one.
Tea is as well mixed with these long-established herbs. Chai’s taste, which is milky and sweet, helps conceal the bitterer and stronger flavours of medicinal additives. Others have more pleasant flavours like ginger and cardamom which along with health benefits, add a pleasurable aroma and flavour to the tea.
Making of Cardamom Indian Tea
Ingredients that you will need to make a homemade cardamom Indian tea (250ml) are milk (200 ml), water (20 ml), Indian Tea (tea leaves more preferably), cardamom, sugar, Basil leaves and ginger flakes. The easy to follow procedure is:
1. Get a pan and add water, tea leaves or tea and sugar.
2. Put burner on a low flame.
3. Heat tea until its color turns reddish brown.
4. Take ginger flakes and Basil leaves, and then together crush them.
5. Add milk and the crushed cardamom to mixture.
6. Increase flame.
7. Stop burner heat when you see that the milk rises on top of pan.
8. Filter all solid out.
9. Best served hot with snacks or biscuits or cakes.
In making fennel Indian tea, you will need 3 teabags of tea, one teaspoon sugar, twos teaspoons of fennel seeds, 1.5 cups of water and 1.5 cups of milk. The five easy procedures are:
1. Pour water into saucepan.
2. Add sugar and three teabags.
3. Simmer with medium heat.
4. Add milk to simmering tea.
5. Remove from heat.
There are many kinds of tea all over the world. The continuous innovation of tea has brought every country to produce their version and kind of tea. But no one can replace the flavor and taste Indian tea gives: milky and creamy.